A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (122 total)

St. John Nightmare #11.jpg
Comic cover featuring a woman frightened by a reanimated mummy.

Quality Web of Evil #7.jpg
A comic cover depicting a man being strangled by severed arms.

Harvey Witches Tales #25.jpg
Comic cover depicting a man ringing a bell with a severed head inside.

Harvey Chamber of Chills #25.jpg
Comic cover portraying a giant robot surrounded by flames.

Comic cover depicting three astronauts fighting a giant monster.

Comic cover portraying a man being attacked by zombies in his living room.

Comic cover depicting close up shots of three gruesome zombies.

Comic cover featuring a man in a guillotine.

Comic cover portraying an anatomy professor placing his wife's body in the freezer, among his other dissection specimens.

Better:Standard The Unseen #9.jpg
Comic cover depicting a zombie holding an unconscious woman in a graveyard.
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