A Crisis of Innocence

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Forbidden Worlds #3 - Page 1.pdf
A teenage boy writes from within a jail cell that he was taught the black arts by a witch, and admits he killed a man while under her control.

A serial killer ends up being killed by his psychiatrist. The psychiatrist determines that the man's desire to kill developed when he was a boy.

American Mercury Sad Case of the Funnies.pdf
Wartime commentary on the comics in newspapers. Condemns their content and worries about the impact on children.

A mother investigates the reading habits of her eight year-old son.

Case Against Comics.pdf
Muhlen's review of The Seduction of the Innocent. He criticizes the effectiveness of Wertham's book as being a catalyst for change.

Interim Report of Committee on Judiciary.pdf
Deals with the findings of the Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency's exploration into the impact of mass media on youth and their behaviour.

Animal Comics 03 01.jpg
Animal Comics was the sort of child-friendly title adults tended to assume was representative of the medium. A typical story from the series, 'Little Dinky' is included here to demonstrate the extent to which such comics coincided with the visual…

Cover of the 1924 edition of Heidi featuring shepherd children in an idealized setting.

U.K. dust jacket of Dr. Frederic Wertham's highly influential study linking juvenile delinquency and comic book reading.

A clip from the 1988 film "Comic Book Confidential." The video features an interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham in which he condemns comics for corrupting children
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