A Crisis of Innocence

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sociology-and-social-research (1).pdf
An academic investigation on the relationship between comics and deviant juvenile behavior.

A reprint of John Mason Brown and Al Capp's statements regarding comics, as first heard on the radio program "America's Town Meeting of the Air."

14-year-old David P. Wigransky responds to Dr. Fredric Wertham's article "The Comics. . . Very Funny!" and John M. Brown's "The Case Against the Comics."

Dr. Fredric Wertham's article listing a series of arguments in favor of comics, accompanied by his counterpoints.

Plague of Comics.pdf
Argues that comics are like a disease for young readers, coining the term 'comicitis.' The author recommends an antidote in the form of nurturing a taste for and habit of reading classic children's literature.

ACG   Forbidden Worlds _9 - Page 28.jpg
A letter from the editor that speaks directly to fans and encourages them to respond to their favorite comics by mailing in their opinions.

dick and jane.jpg
Cover of one of the 'Dick and Jane' books, the protagonists of which became prototypically innocent children for many American readers.

ACG   Forbidden Worlds _16 - Page 26.jpg
Letters page containing both a statement from the Editor and some contributions by readers.

Boy Comics _38 - Page 21.jpg
A letter by 10-year-old fan Carl Powell on how reading Crime Don't Pay changed his career goals from becoming a criminal to joining the police force. The commentary applauds Powell and comics for demonstrating positive change.
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