A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (461 total)

Dunkirk Evening Observer January 13 1949 crop.jpg
Outlines a bill that the Senate was attempting to pass, which would place strict laws on the publication of comic books.

Adventures Into The Unknown #14 (ACG - Dec 1950), pg. 29.jpg
Advertisement page with a war comic and and a bracelet directly marketed to boys and girls.

An Unjust Conviction.pdf
Covers the conviction and fining of an editor and several publishers who published a piece of offensive material.

Hutchinson - An Experiement in the use of Comics as Instructional Material.pdf
Presents the results of an experiment to test whether comics could significantly contribute to the teaching of reading and writing skills. This article also provides suggestions of specific comics that can be studied at different grade levels.

all burnt up_converted.pdf
A gangster needs to lie low until heat from the police dies down. In the meantime, he stays with a woman and her son.

Freudian analysis of violence in reality and comic books by Fredric Wertham's research collaborator. Agrees with the idea that comics inspire children to violence.

Action Taken to Control Distribution of Objectionable Comic Books.pdf
Briefly outlines the steps that different cities and counties took to ban or limit the sale of objectionable comics.

Oakland Tribune October 17, 1954 crop.jpg
Presents a number of initiatives that were being taken to keep crime and horror comics out of the hands of children.

Thrills Of Tomorrow #17, pg. 33.jpg
Advertisement for a collection of toys.

Andersen - A Study of Leisure-Time Reading.pdf
Discusses a questionnaire given to nearly 700 junior high school students to determine how they liked to spend their leisure time. The results of the survey determined that comic books were the most popular reading choice overall, though fiction was…
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