A Crisis of Innocence

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Chamber of Chills 23 00.jpg
Cover of horror comic "Chamber of Chills" issue 23, depicting a zombie attempting to kiss a women.

Nightmare #12 (St. John - Apr 1954).JPG
Comic cover depicting a terrified man looking in on a torture chamber.

Vampires, Don't Make Me Laugh.pdf
As she grows up, a girl comes to realize that she is tainted by the disease of vampirism.

Horror Comic Book Cleanup crop pg. 1.jpg
Discusses the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommitee's worries about post-war crime comic books.

Malter - The Content of Current Comic Magazines.pdf
A study set out to determine whether or not the content of comic books is indeed overwhelmingly focused on depictions of crime and horror. Ultimately suggests that this criticism is not valid.

A mother investigates the reading habits of her eight year-old son.

Great Bend Daily Tribune January 6 1955 crop.pdf
Discusses moral issues in Britain, including subjects of prostitution, homosexuality, pornography and obscene literature.

Cuero Record January 7 1955 crop.jpg
Looks at the British initiative to morally clean-up their country. There is also mention of the fact that there are attempts being made to ban the sale of horror comics in Britain.

Adventures Into the Unknown #6 (ACG - Aug 1949).jpg
Comic cover featuring two giant hands attacking a man in a rowboat.

Case Against Comics.pdf
Muhlen's review of The Seduction of the Innocent. He criticizes the effectiveness of Wertham's book as being a catalyst for change.
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