A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (78 total)

Jackie Law and the Boy Rangers, pg. 57.jpg
WWII era comic that directly links the actions of American soldiers with the exploits of a gang of kid vigilantes. This single frame image was extracted from page 57 of the comic.

the little monster_convertedfromdocx.pdf
An orphaned girl who loves animals is mistreated by her aunt. She wishes for bad things to happen to her aunt, and her wishes start to come true.

Changing Times1954.pdf
Alerts parents to distasteful literature: comics, romance magazines, and war novels. The article notes the quality of children's literature and means to encourage parents to divert their children from reading comics.

American Mercury Sad Case of the Funnies.pdf
Wartime commentary on the comics in newspapers. Condemns their content and worries about the impact on children.

Wertham Ladies' Home Journal 1953.pdf
A magazine article written by Wertham. He argues that juvenile delinquency is becoming more prevalent and violent due to the popularity of comics with children.

The Hunter and the Hunted, pg. 4.jpg
The world's greatest hunter is killed by intelligent dinosaurs, who use his head as a bowling ball. A flashback reveals his desire to hunt animals began when he was a child.

Gastonia Gazette November 7 1953.pdf
Claims that because little Johnny is reading crime comics, he will one day run over an old lady and leave her to die in the street.

Kingsport Times News July 8 1956 crop.jpg
Discusses how comic book censorship has been effective in some respects in the United States. Won Lee explores the fact that children are becoming more discerning in their reading choices, thus losing interest in obscene comics.

Comic cover depicting a man being riddled with bullets by a gunman.

Legend of the Long 3rd Finger 1.jpg
This story depicts a child with a long 3rd finger who becomes a murderous werewolf.
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