A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (122 total)

Ace Beyond #25.jpg
Comic cover depicting two skeletons flying a plane.

Ace Web of Mystery #10.jpg
Comic cover featuring a woman startled by her monstrous appearance in a mirror.

Ajax-Farrell Voodoo #14.jpg
Comic cover portraying a skeleton judging a beauty pageant.

St. John Nightmare #11.jpg
Comic cover featuring a woman frightened by a reanimated mummy.

Superior Journey Into Fear #21.jpg
Comic cover featuring a man and a woman looking shocked by an empty grave, with an image of large eyes leering above them.

Superior Mysteries Weird and Strange #10.jpg
Comic cover portraying a woman frightened by a moving, disembodied hand.

Superior Strange Mysteries #14.jpg
Comic cover depicting a woman about to shoot a man, with the Grim Reaper looming above them.

The caption reads: "Code Administrator Charles F. Murphy indicates how the comics magazine code operates. 'Delete distortion in face' resulted in a change. Mr. Murphy reported on progress under the industry's self-imposed rules."

Horror Comics (BMJ 1954).pdf
Outlines the fact that horror comics seem to actually be geared towards children through the advertisements being used in them. The article also references some of the attempts at censorship that were taking place in England and Scotland at the time.…

Gettysburg Times September 13 1955.pdf
Outlines a bill in Pennsylvania, that 11 female members of commerce were hoping to have passed, that would see the publication and distribution of comics to those under the age of 18 as a criminal offence. In breaking this law the offender would be…
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