A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (78 total)

Zorbaugh - Editorial.pdf
Zorbaugh reprints Sterling North's indictment against comics. He calls for a critical study into the possible social uses of comics.

Adventures Into The Unknown #14 (ACG - Dec 1950), pg. 29.jpg
Advertisement page with a war comic and and a bracelet directly marketed to boys and girls.

Adventures Into The Unknown #78 (ACG Nov 1956), pg. 36.jpg
Advertisement for a miniature spear-firing catapult directed at boys.

Crime Does Not Pay #48, pg. 45.jpg
Advertisement for a toy cockpit, with replica targets and bombs.

Thrills Of Tomorrow #17, pg. 33.jpg
Advertisement for a collection of toys.

All Famous Police Cases #6, pg. 35.jpg
Advertisement aimed at children for a collection of detailed plastic soldiers and weapons.

Criminal Code 2014 Part V 163-172.pdf
Sections 163-172 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which covers the creation, publication, and distribution of crime comics, as well as materials which may present sexual or violent subjects to children.
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