A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (34 total)

Cover of the 1924 edition of Heidi featuring shepherd children in an idealized setting.

Smith - Horror comics offer lessons.pdf
A list of positive things that come from horror comics.

A report by Paul Coates for "Confidential File" in 1955, regarding the relationship between juvenile delinquency
and comics, and formation of the Comics Code.

Case Against Comics.pdf
Muhlen's review of The Seduction of the Innocent. He criticizes the effectiveness of Wertham's book as being a catalyst for change.

Freudian analysis of violence in reality and comic books by Fredric Wertham's research collaborator. Agrees with the idea that comics inspire children to violence.

McCarthy and Smith - The Much Discussed Comics.pdf
Provides a survey of over 8000 elementary and high school students to determine their reading habits and the appeal of comics.

Horror Comic Book Cleanup crop pg. 1.jpg
Discusses the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommitee's worries about post-war crime comic books.

Frank - Some Questions and Answers for Teachers and Parents.pdf
Frank provides brief summaries of the various arguments for and against comic books.

Gazette Mail November 8 1959 crop.jpg
Deals primarily with newspaper comics, and makes reference to the fact that comic book reading can be greatly beneficial for the young reader.

Collier's Horror in the Nursery.pdf
Presents the first publication of Fredric Wertham's findings on comics.
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