Outlines the fact that horror comics seem to actually be geared towards children through the advertisements being used in them. The article also references some of the attempts at censorship that were taking place in England and Scotland at the time.…
A 9th Grade panel discusses the merits and shortfalls of comic books. They list 10 points about comics, tv, and radio that could be helpful because they were conceived by young people.
Discusses the anxiety that brings about book burnings. Bolte concludes that book burnings are not helpful, and prevent initiating conversation about complex topics.
A rebuttal to Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. Thrasher criticizes Wertham's methods, and and suggests that he is projecting social frustrations upon comics.
Presents the results of examining hundreds of magazines and comic books in order to determine what is in comics that make them so popular with children.