Canadian School Reader, the cover of which portrays a typical scene of childhood innocence, with two children and a puppy peering out the window onto a natural scene.
A rebuttal to Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. Thrasher criticizes Wertham's methods, and and suggests that he is projecting social frustrations upon comics.
Tonsor explains that educators and parents need to do more to counteract the bad influence of comic books and pulp magazines on their children. He provides various suggestions.
Citing a new Toronto Board of Education report, this article examines the idea that comic books do not cause juvenile delinquency. Tumpane instead claims the reading of comic books perpetuates useless knowledge when one could instead be reading…
Discusses the first ever comic books award luncheon, in which Dr. William C. Menninger claimed that contrary to what was being said by some psychiatrists, comic books do not cause delinquency.
Looks at the type of language being presented to readers in the crime comics that are so popular. Argues that children are being presented with language that is not conducive to the building of a proper vocabulary.