Outlines a double murder that took place in Talladega, Alabama in which a man killed his wife and her friend. It is said in the article that the murderer read a crime comic book shortly before the murder.
Explores the effect that crime comic books have on young children. Article states that although good often triumphs over evil, the depictions of evil tend to more prevalent in the illustrations.
Reports a New Jersey comic book burning, for which local Cub Scouts collected horror comics to be burned. A portable incinerator will be brought in to do the burning.
Short piece announcing the banning of 34 American comic books containing horror stories of war themes. Further imports of such magazines will be prohibited.
Features a table that explores questionable content that was present in the twenty comic magazines procured by the Economist. It also includes reader reactions to their campaign.
Discusses a book burning that took place in Vancouver, in which the children received classic books in return for burning up their crime and horror comics.
A review of Wertham's article "The Comics...Very Funny!" Some of Wertham's main points are restated, and the reviewer mentions a recent comic book burning in Chicago.