A Crisis of Innocence

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Scream Comics 1 cover.jpg
Stories about young boys that get into different situations. The boys are often presented as getting into trouble, while also being depicted in an innocent fashion.

Crawling Evil.png
A young girl is told that all men are evil by her grandmother, who teaches her to hate them. She later learns witchcraft and begins to murder men.

Witchcraft  JVJ  fixed #4 - Page 1.pdf
A child fantasizes about burning things, and grows up to be a pyromaniac.

Cover and illustrations of a book featuring stylized portrayals of childhood innocence typical of the period.

Cover of the 1924 edition of Heidi featuring shepherd children in an idealized setting.

horrible herman_converted.pdf
A deformed child develops an advanced intellect and psychic powers, and comes to view other humans as "animals."

Fulton Writing.pdf
Outlines a number of the concerns that Fulton has about the publication and sale of comic books to children. Fulton expresses his concerns for the long term effects of crime comics on children who are reading them.

Invasion (Mister Mystery #3, pg. 12-16).pdf
A group of children work together to make way for a monster's invasion.

A mother investigates the reading habits of her eight year-old son.

Animal Comics 03 01.jpg
Animal Comics was the sort of child-friendly title adults tended to assume was representative of the medium. A typical story from the series, 'Little Dinky' is included here to demonstrate the extent to which such comics coincided with the visual…
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