A Crisis of Innocence

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Discusses the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommitee's worries about post-war crime comic books.

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Explains the numerous issues that are present in trying to ban crime comics in Canada.

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Recalls a court case in which Dr. Fredric Wertham explains how he was able to purchase a whip from a comic book. He claims that teen-aged murderers were directly influenced by comic books.

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Following the approval of a ban on crime comics in Canada, this article looks at the way the ban has been received by different provinces.

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Explores the New York State Joint Legislative Committee's attempts to censor crime and love comics in 1951. The image features a number of the popular comics of the time laid out on a table.

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Outlines the passing of Bill No. 10 in Canada, which aimed to curb the production and distribution of horror comics.
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