A Crisis of Innocence

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Horror Comic Book Cleanup crop pg. 1.jpg
Discusses the Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommitee's worries about post-war crime comic books.

A mother investigates the reading habits of her eight year-old son.

Speed Comics #35, cover.jpg
Comic cover indicted by the Southtown Economist as too violent and sexualized.

National P-TA Official Assails Horror Comics crop.jpg
Discuses comic censorship. Includes a statement from President Roosevelt insisting parents need to do all that they can in order to protect the innocence of children moving forward.

On Comic Books crop.jpg
Claims that comics have no merit because they do not instill a love for the English language, which is instilled by other forms of literature.

Ajax-Farrell Voodoo #14.jpg
Comic cover portraying a skeleton judging a beauty pageant.

Horror Comics (BMJ 1954).pdf
Outlines the fact that horror comics seem to actually be geared towards children through the advertisements being used in them. The article also references some of the attempts at censorship that were taking place in England and Scotland at the time.…

States Act Againat Lewd Literature.pdf
Provides a quick summary of anti-comic laws enacted by various states in an attempt to curb the rise of juvenile delinquency.

Catholic Students Burn Up Comic Books crop.jpg
Discusses the burning of 2000 comic books, as ordered by the Bishop of the Albany Catholic Diocese

Southtown Economist April 8 1945 crop.jpg
Features an ad for a television program that would be airing on WGN in which the 'comics' series being presented by the Southtown Economist would be discussed by pastor Dr. Preston Bradley. Additionally explores sex in crime comics and the way it…
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