A Crisis of Innocence

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Scream Comics 1 cover.jpg
Stories about young boys that get into different situations. The boys are often presented as getting into trouble, while also being depicted in an innocent fashion.

Witchcraft  JVJ  fixed #4 - Page 1.pdf
A child fantasizes about burning things, and grows up to be a pyromaniac.

Crawling Evil.png
A young girl is told that all men are evil by her grandmother, who teaches her to hate them. She later learns witchcraft and begins to murder men.

my daddy should have listened_convertedfromdocx.pdf
This story is about a young boy who is the son of an acclaimed horror comics author. Young Johnnie befriends a rather odd looking boy who goes by the name of Willie. Johnnie's father is in a slump in with his work and feels that he is unable to…

Beware #6 - Borrowed Blood.jpg
Cited by Dr. Wertham in Seduction of the Innocent, Beware #6 features a story about gypsies taking the life of a doctor for killing their son with tainted blood. The child is depicted in a rather innocent fashion within the story.

Story features Maggie in depictions of innocence, surrounded by animals and nature.

Cover and illustrations of a book featuring stylized portrayals of childhood innocence typical of the period.

Title page depicting a young boy and girl looking out of a window. There is a puppy sitting between the two children and an open book sitting next to them.

Oakland Tribune June 2 1948 crop.jpg
Deals with the fact that the only way to get rid of horror and crime comics is to work together to get them away from children.

National P-TA Official Assails Horror Comics crop.jpg
Discuses comic censorship. Includes a statement from President Roosevelt insisting parents need to do all that they can in order to protect the innocence of children moving forward.
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