A Crisis of Innocence

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Florence Morning News October 17 1948.pdf
Meeting of the City Federation of Women's Clubs. Author urges parents to provide literature with a moral backbone for children.

Comics' Perusal Up to Parents crop.jpg
Interviews with various people involved in education and publication regarding their opinions on comic books. Some hold the parents accountable for what their children read.

Sterling North A National Disgrace.png
North incites parents and teachers to band together in the fight against comic books.

Tonsor - Atomic Age or Comic Age.pdf
Tonsor explains that educators and parents need to do more to counteract the bad influence of comic books and pulp magazines on their children. He provides various suggestions.

Frank - Some Questions and Answers for Teachers and Parents.pdf
Frank provides brief summaries of the various arguments for and against comic books.

Cavanagh - The Comics War.pdf
Cavanagh proposes to investigate why children like comic books and whether or not they are legitimately harmful to them. He discusses aggression and phantasy, before moving on to psychodynamics.

Zorbaugh - What Adults Think of Comics as Reading for Children.pdf
Presents the results of a survey given to adults about what they thought of comic books.

Orsborn - Assessing Menace Values.pdf
A 9th Grade panel discusses the merits and shortfalls of comic books. They list 10 points about comics, tv, and radio that could be helpful because they were conceived by young people.

Journal Of Pediatrics 1953.pdf
Bakwin takes a positive stance on the value of comic books, both in terms of their educational potential and their escapism.
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