A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (29 total)

Crime SuspensStories #22, cover.tiff
Cover depicting a man holding an axe and a woman's severed head. Defended by Bill Gaines at the senate subcommittee hearing.

Star Shocking Mystery Cases #56.jpg
Comic cover featuring a man with a gun being chased by a policeman, appearing to break through the page.

Star Startling Terror Tales #11.jpg
Comic cover featuring a man with a gun in the foreground, with multiple policemen in the background.

Star All-Famous Police Cases #15.jpg
Comic cover depicting a man falling from a window, and a policeman looking on in shock.

Guns Against Gangsters #1 (Novelty Sept:Oct 1948).jpg
Comic cover depicting a man with two guns backed up against a brick wall, facing off against unseen gunmen.

Father of Murderers, pg. 26.jpg
A "true-crime story" about four generations of a murderous family in Revolution-era France

Cover of "Crime Does Not Pay" issue 36, depicting bloody, lawless mayhem.

7 - underworldCrime.jpg
Cover of "Underworld Crime" issue 7, depicting two criminals threatening a bound woman.

all burnt up_converted.pdf
A gangster needs to lie low until heat from the police dies down. In the meantime, he stays with a woman and her son.
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