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11. The Code and the Re-Institutionalization of Innocence
← 10.1 Canadian Legisltation: Bill 10, The 'Fulton Bill'
11.1 Comics Graveyard →
11. The Code and the Re-Institutionalization of Innocence
A Crisis of Innocence
1. What is Innocence?
2. Childhood Innocence in Mid-Twetieth-Century Children's Books
2.1 'Good Comics': Animal Funnies and Other Sanctioned Forms
2.2 Case Study: Homer Price and 'The Case of the Cosmic Comic'
3. The Child Readers of Comics: Concerns and Numbers
4. Crime! Horror!
4.1 Children in Horror and Crime
4.2 Case Study: 'The Orphan'
5. Child Readers and Comics Letter Pages
5.1 Children's Voices in Mainstream Media: David Pace Wigranski and Others
6. The Anti-Comics Backlash in the Press and the Academy: Early Arguments
6.1 Post-War Resurgence and the Arrival of Dr. Wertham
6.2 Wertham's Influence Spreads
7. The Other Side:Arguments in Favour of Comics
8. Anti-Comics Campaigns: Burnings and Trade-Ins
9. Legal and Legislative Efforts in America
9.1 Senate Subcommittee Hearings on Comics and Juvenile Delinquency
10. Murder in Dawson Creek, B.C.
10.1 Canadian Legisltation: Bill 10, The 'Fulton Bill'
11. The Code and the Re-Institutionalization of Innocence
11.1 Comics Graveyard
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