Reports a New Jersey comic book burning, for which local Cub Scouts collected horror comics to be burned. A portable incinerator will be brought in to do the burning.
Outlines the fact that eight provinces backed a proposal made by Canadian Justice Minister Garson, which made it a criminal offence to produce or distribute crime comics.
Looks at a number of prominent scholars, psychologists and politicians as they weigh in on the content of comic books influencing juvenile delinquency.
Outlines an initiative in which children traded in 10 Comic Books to receive 1 classic novel. This article speaks to the great success of such an event.
Announces that Entertaining Comics is dropping 5 of their popular crime and horror comic series due to a drop in sales brought on by the backlash of anti-comic organizations.
A story about a mass burning of comic books that took place in Auburn New York. The burning took place following a talk that was held by a reverend that saw children wanting to get rid of their comics.