A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (49 total)

Gazette Mail November 8 1959 crop.jpg
Deals primarily with newspaper comics, and makes reference to the fact that comic book reading can be greatly beneficial for the young reader.

School News Digest - Taylor and Francis.pdf
Covers some small, education-related news items, and similar matters of interest. Comics receive considerable attention.

Albuquerque Tribune April 5 1957 crop.jpg
Outlines an initiative that has been taken by New Mexico public schools, in which children are encouraged to read books over comic books.

Journal Of Pediatrics 1953.pdf
Bakwin takes a positive stance on the value of comic books, both in terms of their educational potential and their escapism.

Psychiatrist Charges Stalling crop.jpg
Looks at the way that comic book legislation in the United States was slower to act than in Canada.

A mother investigates the reading habits of her eight year-old son.

Journal Of Abnormal Social Psychology 1957.pdf
Explores the possibility of passive learning through films. the authors consider to what extent films influence one's behaviour and self-identification.

Parents Buy Most Say Dealers crop.jpg
Discusses a meeting between six comic book dealers and 8 home and school associations, which took place in Oakville, regarding the sale of horror comic books.

Smith - Horror comics offer lessons.pdf
A list of positive things that come from horror comics.

North Adams Transcript, February 3 1949.jpg
Report on a radio forum on comics and juvenile delinquency. Included a principal, psychiatrist, librarian, PTA member, and dean of the state teacher's college.
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