Outlines a bill in Pennsylvania, that 11 female members of commerce were hoping to have passed, that would see the publication and distribution of comics to those under the age of 18 as a criminal offence. In breaking this law the offender would be…
The Southtown Economist, as part of their war on comics, publishes a list of books that offer the same thrills as comics but without the corruptive influence.
Discussions of morality and distribution. Comic books and other obscene periodicals are consistently viewed as serious threats to the morals of young people.
Discusses how to tackle the publication and distribution of obscene periodicals using examples set by other countries, such as Canada and the United States.
Looks at how crime and horror comic books are effecting youth. It focuses on parents' anger towards the medium, as well as increased levels of juvenile delinquency from children who read comic books weekly.
Cited by Dr. Wertham in Seduction of the Innocent, Beware #6 features a story about gypsies taking the life of a doctor for killing their son with tainted blood. The child is depicted in a rather innocent fashion within the story.
A woman murders her alcoholic husband, stashes his body parts in bottles of whiskey, and returns them to a bootlegger. Comic referenced in the senate hearing on juvenile delinquency.