A clip from the 1988 film "Comic Book Confidential." The video features an interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham in which he condemns comics for corrupting children
Cited by Dr. Wertham in Seduction of the Innocent, Beware #6 features a story about gypsies taking the life of a doctor for killing their son with tainted blood. The child is depicted in a rather innocent fashion within the story.
Outlines the British bill to ban the sale of horror comics to children. Claims that children are highly impressionable, and that in reading comic books children can be corrupted.
Discusses the function of reading in the lives of children who are becoming literate. The image accompanying this text features a young girl looking stereotypically innocent while reading.
Deals with the findings of the Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency's exploration into the impact of mass media on youth and their behaviour.
Explores the effect that crime comic books have on young children. Article states that although good often triumphs over evil, the depictions of evil tend to more prevalent in the illustrations.