Outlines a bill in Pennsylvania, that 11 female members of commerce were hoping to have passed, that would see the publication and distribution of comics to those under the age of 18 as a criminal offence. In breaking this law the offender would be…
Discussions of morality and distribution. Comic books and other obscene periodicals are consistently viewed as serious threats to the morals of young people.
Continued debate over altering the Police Offences Bill. The House discusses specific clauses, and questions arise over what can be considered "artistic."
Discusses how to tackle the publication and distribution of obscene periodicals using examples set by other countries, such as Canada and the United States.
Known as the 'Fulton Bill,' after E.D. Fulton, member from Kamloops. Includes amendment to Subsection one of section two hundred and seven of the Criminal Code, to address printed materials that induce young people to act violently or immorally.