A Crisis of Innocence

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Strange Worlds #6 - Page 1.pdf
Science fiction comic about a cruel dictator. It is revealed the villain's violent tendencies began when he was a boy.

Sterling North A National Disgrace.png
North incites parents and teachers to band together in the fight against comic books.

Pep #17 (July 1941).jpg
Comic cover featuring superhero 'The Hangman.' Cited as the inspiration for a boy's accidental death by hanging.

Harvey Witches Tales #25.jpg
Comic cover depicting a man ringing a bell with a severed head inside.

tag...you're it_converted.pdf
A town is terrorized by a vampire, and a husband and wife begin to suspect that the other has been turned. It is revealed that their young son is the vampire.

The Case of the Giggling Killer, pg. 28.tiff
Crime comic that features a young psychopathic killer.

Orsborn - Assessing Menace Values.pdf
A 9th Grade panel discusses the merits and shortfalls of comic books. They list 10 points about comics, tv, and radio that could be helpful because they were conceived by young people.

Animal Comics 03 01.jpg
Animal Comics was the sort of child-friendly title adults tended to assume was representative of the medium. A typical story from the series, 'Little Dinky' is included here to demonstrate the extent to which such comics coincided with the visual…

Our Children.pdf
Discusses the need to burn comics since they should not be in the hands of children.

Cover and illustrations of a book featuring stylized portrayals of childhood innocence typical of the period.
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