A Crisis of Innocence

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all burnt up_converted.pdf
A gangster needs to lie low until heat from the police dies down. In the meantime, he stays with a woman and her son.

Boy Detective   Avon #1 (1951) - Page 1.pdf
A series published by AVON Comics. A young boy takes on the role of a detective following the death of his father at the hands of criminals.

Witch's Horror, pg. 29.jpg
A landlord forces an old lady, her daughter, and granddaughter out into the cold night because they have failed to pay their rent.

A young boy has an "imaginary" friend named Charlie who resides in the study of his aunt and uncle's home.

Scream Comics 1 cover.jpg
Stories about young boys that get into different situations. The boys are often presented as getting into trouble, while also being depicted in an innocent fashion.

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A young boy named George grows up to be a hangman. He eventually dies by getting tangled in a rope like his victims.

Witchcraft  JVJ  fixed #4 - Page 1.pdf
A child fantasizes about burning things, and grows up to be a pyromaniac.

Crawling Evil.png
A young girl is told that all men are evil by her grandmother, who teaches her to hate them. She later learns witchcraft and begins to murder men.

Journey into Fear #7, pg. 2 Puppet Theatre.jpg
An advertisement for puppets that features images of a demon-type character and a werewolf.

Journey Into Fear 15 cover.jpg
While this comic book doesn't depict any children within it, according to Digital Comic Museum it is alluded to within Seduction of the Innocent. Moreover, Journey Into Fear is a Canadian publication, noted for being the first Canadian horror comic…
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