A Crisis of Innocence

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Senators state that it is not the government's job to deal with horror comics, but rather it is the duty of comic book publishers to clean up their work.

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Discusses the unanimous support that the bill proposed by Fulton received in the House of Commons.

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Exploring the bill put forth by Fulton, this article examines the fact that the House of Commons will soon vote on whether or not to impose stronger sanctions on the distribution and production of Crime Comics in Canada.

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Discusses how horror comics have gone missing in the Library of Lords in Britain.

Smith - Horror comics offer lessons.pdf
A list of positive things that come from horror comics.

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An image of Len Wynne, head of Vancouver's Junior Chamber of Commerce, throwing popular horror comics on to a public "pyre" in Vancouver.

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Short snippet that reads: "New Delhi, June 7 - India today announced she has banned the importation of horror comics."

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Discusses a meeting between six comic book dealers and 8 home and school associations, which took place in Oakville, regarding the sale of horror comic books.

Portland Press Herald February 24 1949 crop.jpg
Claims that the blaming of juvenile delinquency on comic books is absurd. Miles notes that radio and film are far more likely to influence children to act violently.

Baldur Gazette, February 22 1951.jpg
Report regarding an 11 year old girl strangling herself to death trying to imitate the cover of a horror comic. This article is from Nova Scotia.
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