Wertham attempts to persuade the Joint Legislative Committe to Study Comics to recommend legislature focusing on banning comics for the sake of public health.
Provides suggestions as to how high school English teachers can more effectively teach reading and writing skills to their students. Briefly discusses Wertham and comics books, but mentions that Wertham has been discredited by other academics.
A rebuttal to Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. Thrasher criticizes Wertham's methods, and and suggests that he is projecting social frustrations upon comics.
A review of Wertham's The Seduction of the Innocent. Warshow agrees with some of the things put forth by Wertham, and voices his hope that Wertham succeeds in his call to ban crime comics.
An photograph of David Pace Wigransky who, at the age of fourteen, published a response to the work of Dr. Wertham in the July 24th issue of the Saturday Review of Literature (1948). Wigransky defended comic books, pointing to the many flaws in…