A Crisis of Innocence

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Strange Worlds #6 - Page 1.pdf
Science fiction comic about a cruel dictator. It is revealed the villain's violent tendencies began when he was a boy.

Britain Plans Law to Curb Horror Comics crop.pdf
Outlines the British bill to ban the sale of horror comics to children. Claims that children are highly impressionable, and that in reading comic books children can be corrupted.

my daddy should have listened_convertedfromdocx.pdf
This story is about a young boy who is the son of an acclaimed horror comics author. Young Johnnie befriends a rather odd looking boy who goes by the name of Willie. Johnnie's father is in a slump in with his work and feels that he is unable to…

A radio session held by the Subcommittee to investiate Juvenile Delinquency and Comic Books.

Case Against Comics.pdf
Muhlen's review of The Seduction of the Innocent. He criticizes the effectiveness of Wertham's book as being a catalyst for change.

Comic Books and Other Horrors.pdf
Discusses the effects that horror comic books are having on not just children, but people of all ages.

Freudian analysis of violence in reality and comic books by Fredric Wertham's research collaborator. Agrees with the idea that comics inspire children to violence.

Invasion (Mister Mystery #3, pg. 12-16).pdf
A group of children work together to make way for a monster's invasion.

Adventures Into the Unknown #6 (ACG - Aug 1949).jpg
Comic cover featuring two giant hands attacking a man in a rowboat.

Forbidden Worlds #3 - Page 1.pdf
A teenage boy writes from within a jail cell that he was taught the black arts by a witch, and admits he killed a man while under her control.
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