A Crisis of Innocence

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Walla Walla Union Bulletin December 19 1946 crop.pdf
A 7 year-old boy was found in his bathtub reading a comic book while his house was on fire. While the firemen put out the fire, the boy stayed in the tub reading his comic.

Children Admit They Started Fire.jpg
Outlines an apartment fire that took place in Hamilton. The children, who allegedly started the fire, claim that they were burning their comic books when the fire got out of hand.

North Adams Transcript, February 3 1949.jpg
Report on a radio forum on comics and juvenile delinquency. Included a principal, psychiatrist, librarian, PTA member, and dean of the state teacher's college.

Forum Finds Good and Bad.pdf
Features the opinions of two psychologists, and a policeman, who have been studying the effects of comic books on children.

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Fulton demands that the term "obscene" be better defined in legislation so that laws about the publication and distribution of such books can properly enforced.

Baldur Gazette, February 22 1951.jpg
Report regarding an 11 year old girl strangling herself to death trying to imitate the cover of a horror comic. This article is from Nova Scotia.

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Discusses a meeting between six comic book dealers and 8 home and school associations, which took place in Oakville, regarding the sale of horror comic books.

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Short snippet that reads: "New Delhi, June 7 - India today announced she has banned the importation of horror comics."

Horror Comics Go Up In Flames.jpeg
An image of Len Wynne, head of Vancouver's Junior Chamber of Commerce, throwing popular horror comics on to a public "pyre" in Vancouver.

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Exploring the bill put forth by Fulton, this article examines the fact that the House of Commons will soon vote on whether or not to impose stronger sanctions on the distribution and production of Crime Comics in Canada.
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