A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (461 total)

Zorbaugh - Editorial.pdf
Zorbaugh reprints Sterling North's indictment against comics. He calls for a critical study into the possible social uses of comics.

Tonsor - Atomic Age or Comic Age.pdf
Tonsor explains that educators and parents need to do more to counteract the bad influence of comic books and pulp magazines on their children. He provides various suggestions.

Tovatt, Jewtt, and Wolfe - This World of English.pdf
Provides suggestions as to how high school English teachers can more effectively teach reading and writing skills to their students. Briefly discusses Wertham and comics books, but mentions that Wertham has been discredited by other academics.

Strang - Why Children Read the Comics.pdf
Students from all levels of education are interviewed to determine why they were interested in comics.

Stieg - The 1926 German Law to Protect Youth - Moral Protectionism in a Democracy.pdf
Examines censorship through the lens of German censorship laws, and how they played a role in the Nazi take-over of the country in 1933.

States Act Againat Lewd Literature.pdf
Provides a quick summary of anti-comic laws enacted by various states in an attempt to curb the rise of juvenile delinquency.

The Comics and the Instructional Method- Sones.pdf
Summarizes a variety of previously conducted studies to explore the potential pedagogical uses of comics.

Slater - Crime Comics and Juvenile Delinquency.pdf
A review of Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. Reference is made to the comic book trade being "evil."

Schultz - Censorship or Self Regulation.pdf
Schultz attributes the "mass hysteria" around comics to Wertham, and the rise of hysteria to the development of doubts about the harm of comics, and the concern over the threat to freedom of speech.

School News Digest - Taylor and Francis.pdf
Covers some small, education-related news items, and similar matters of interest. Comics receive considerable attention.
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