Gruenberg argues that people often feared innovation in technological and mediums of expression, and cites this the reason for the criticism against comics.
Cavanagh proposes to investigate why children like comic books and whether or not they are legitimately harmful to them. He discusses aggression and phantasy, before moving on to psychodynamics.
A study set out to determine whether or not the content of comic books is indeed overwhelmingly focused on depictions of crime and horror. Ultimately suggests that this criticism is not valid.
Alerts parents to distasteful literature: comics, romance magazines, and war novels. The article notes the quality of children's literature and means to encourage parents to divert their children from reading comics.
Citing a new Toronto Board of Education report, this article examines the idea that comic books do not cause juvenile delinquency. Tumpane instead claims the reading of comic books perpetuates useless knowledge when one could instead be reading…