A Crisis of Innocence

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Berkeley Daily Gazette October 2 1947 crop.jpg
Outlines a study that was done by graduate students. When asked, children reveal they are not as negatively impacted by comic book reading as was initially believed.

Senate Passes Crime crop.jpg
Explains the numerous issues that are present in trying to ban crime comics in Canada.

Bakersfield Californian March 11 1944 crop.jpg
Utilizes statistics to argue that children are becoming more violent. Saunders claims that: when a parent hands their child a crime comic, they are allowing them to do as they see in the story.

Medicine Hat Daily News January 14 1949 crop.jpg
Provides a number of statistics about the sale of comic books in Canada and Medicine Hat. Morever, Shiels speaks with individuals who are both for and against the sale of comic books.

Saturday Review The Case Against the Comics.pdf
Reprints John Mason Brown and Al Capp's opening statements from their "America's Town Meeting of the Air" radio session, in which they debate why comics are a problem.

Case Against Comics.pdf
Muhlen's review of The Seduction of the Innocent. He criticizes the effectiveness of Wertham's book as being a catalyst for change.

Zorbaugh - The Comics, There They Stand.pdf
Discusses the popularity of comic strips and books, as well as some of the ways they have influenced American culture.

The Comics and the Instructional Method- Sones.pdf
Summarizes a variety of previously conducted studies to explore the potential pedagogical uses of comics.

Kinneman - The Comics and Their Appeal to the Youth of Today.pdf
Kinneman discusses the results of a questionnaire she asked students to fill out. Some of the recorded student responses echo ideas held by anti-comic journalists and psychiatrists.

Malter - The Content of Current Comic Magazines.pdf
A study set out to determine whether or not the content of comic books is indeed overwhelmingly focused on depictions of crime and horror. Ultimately suggests that this criticism is not valid.
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