A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (66 total)

Better:Standard Out of the Shadows #9.jpg
Comic cover portraying a live skeleton returning home, as a man and woman look on in fright.

Pep #17 (July 1941).jpg
Comic cover featuring superhero 'The Hangman.' Cited as the inspiration for a boy's accidental death by hanging.

Scream Comics 1 cover.jpg
Stories about young boys that get into different situations. The boys are often presented as getting into trouble, while also being depicted in an innocent fashion.

Comic cover depicting a man being riddled with bullets by a gunman.

Star Shocking Mystery Cases #56.jpg
Comic cover featuring a man with a gun being chased by a policeman, appearing to break through the page.

Speed Comics #35, cover.jpg
Comic cover indicted by the Southtown Economist as too violent and sexualized.

Star Startling Terror Tales #11.jpg
Comic cover featuring a man with a gun in the foreground, with multiple policemen in the background.

Ajax-Farrell Strange Fantasy #5.jpg
Comic cover portraying a giant witch about to kill a woman.

Superior Strange Mysteries #14.jpg
Comic cover depicting a woman about to shoot a man, with the Grim Reaper looming above them.

Comic cover featuring a man in a guillotine.
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