A Crisis of Innocence

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Discusses "The Current Scene" television program, which will include subjects from The Courant's campaign against comics.

Announces the formation of a committee to investigate the sale and distribution of comics in the Hardware City. The Head of the Committee praises the newspaper's previous articles on the controversy.

A storekeeper of Haddam and several other outlets announce their refusal to continue selling comic books.

Announces a meeting of the Hartford County Council, where they will discuss the development of a campaign to combat obscene comic books.

Announces the success of the newspaper's previous articles regarding the comic book controversy, citing various organizations' efforts to police comic content.

3 - Horror Comics Go Up In Flames.jpeg
Image of Len Wynne standing over burning comics. The caption describes the Jaycee Youth Leadership committee, and their role in collecting and burning 8000 comics in Vancouver.

Features a series of brief clips showing children, and then adults, reading comics.

Cause of Delinquency.pdf
Utilizes the research of two leading psychologists to disprove much of Wertham's arguments about the impact of horror and crime comics on children.

Changing Times1954.pdf
Alerts parents to distasteful literature: comics, romance magazines, and war novels. The article notes the quality of children's literature and means to encourage parents to divert their children from reading comics.

True Comics #13, pg. 67.jpg
Early example of a readers forum page, with short responses from the editor. Includes letters from soldiers.
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