A Crisis of Innocence

Browse Items (29 total)

Lev Gleason Crime and Punishment #70.jpg
Comic cover featuring men robbing an armoured car.

Star All-Famous Police Cases #15.jpg
Comic cover depicting a man falling from a window, and a policeman looking on in shock.

Interim Report of Committee on Judiciary.pdf
Deals with the findings of the Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency's exploration into the impact of mass media on youth and their behaviour.

Port Arthur News January 3 1943 crop.jpg
A boy accidentally shoots his brother, instantly killing him. It is noted that after the killing, the boy goes about burning the comic book that his brother had been reading.

bottoms up_convertedfromdocx.pdf
A woman murders her alcoholic husband, stashes his body parts in bottles of whiskey, and returns them to a bootlegger. Comic referenced in the senate hearing on juvenile delinquency.

Crime Does Not Pay #48, pg. 45.jpg
Advertisement for a toy cockpit, with replica targets and bombs.

all burnt up_converted.pdf
A gangster needs to lie low until heat from the police dies down. In the meantime, he stays with a woman and her son.

Thrills Of Tomorrow #17, pg. 33.jpg
Advertisement for a collection of toys.

Gettysburg Times September 13 1955.pdf
Outlines a bill in Pennsylvania, that 11 female members of commerce were hoping to have passed, that would see the publication and distribution of comics to those under the age of 18 as a criminal offence. In breaking this law the offender would be…
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