Explores the possibility of passive learning through films. the authors consider to what extent films influence one's behaviour and self-identification.
Presents the results of examining hundreds of magazines and comic books in order to determine what is in comics that make them so popular with children.
A rebuttal to Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. Thrasher criticizes Wertham's methods, and and suggests that he is projecting social frustrations upon comics.
A review of Wertham's The Seduction of the Innocent. Warshow agrees with some of the things put forth by Wertham, and voices his hope that Wertham succeeds in his call to ban crime comics.
Outlines a number of the concerns that Fulton has about the publication and sale of comic books to children. Fulton expresses his concerns for the long term effects of crime comics on children who are reading them.