A Crisis of Innocence

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Cuero Record January 7 1955 crop.jpg
Looks at the British initiative to morally clean-up their country. There is also mention of the fact that there are attempts being made to ban the sale of horror comics in Britain.

McCarthy and Smith - The Much Discussed Comics.pdf
Provides a survey of over 8000 elementary and high school students to determine their reading habits and the appeal of comics.

Illustration from one of the Homer Price books, which depicts a group of boys in a malt shop/convenience store, looking at comic books.

14-year-old Robert Merdian presents his counter-arguments to the claim that crime comics encourage delinquency.

Witchcraft  JVJ  fixed #4 - Page 1.pdf
A child fantasizes about burning things, and grows up to be a pyromaniac.

Portland Press Herald February 24 1949 crop.jpg
Claims that the blaming of juvenile delinquency on comic books is absurd. Miles notes that radio and film are far more likely to influence children to act violently.

Mitchell - Comic Strips, How Well Can Our Pupils Read Them.pdf
A study of the reading comprehension skills of high school students. Participants were asked to complete reading and vocabulary tests to determine how well they actually understood the text-based content of comics.

Charlton Crime and Justice #19.jpg
Comic cover featuring a multi-panel story of four murders.

Lawbreakers #6 (Charlton - Apr:May 1952).jpg
Comic cover depicting a man shooting a prison guard and helping a prisoner escape.

Crime and Justice 011   Charlton      JVJon Mouse5150 DCP #1 (1953) - Page 1.pdf
Group of kid vigilantes breaks up a drug ring.
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