A Crisis of Innocence

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Discusses the popularity of the song "Yakety Yak" among teenagers, as it expresses their dissatisfaction with their parents and house life.

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Claims American comic magazines, such as Superman, is leading to a mass fascisization of American youth.

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Following the approval of a ban on crime comics in Canada, this article looks at the way the ban has been received by different provinces.

San Antonio Express And News October 17 1954 crop.jpg
One of many articles that were written by Sigrid Arne on the topic of the backlash against comic books. Looks at how the war on comics was having a profound effect on the popularity of comics.

Syracuse Post Standard May 13 1951 crop.jpg
Explores the New York State Joint Legislative Committee's attempts to censor crime and love comics in 1951. The image features a number of the popular comics of the time laid out on a table.

Medicine Hat Daily News January 14 1949 crop.jpg
Provides a number of statistics about the sale of comic books in Canada and Medicine Hat. Morever, Shiels speaks with individuals who are both for and against the sale of comic books.

Some Facts About Juvenile Delinquency.pdf
A government sanctioned study and educational publication on juvenile delinquency. Notes an 17% increase in youth appearing before juvenile courts between 1948 and 1951.

States Act Againat Lewd Literature.pdf
Provides a quick summary of anti-comic laws enacted by various states in an attempt to curb the rise of juvenile delinquency.

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Looks at a Newfoundland judge, who previously expressed his thoughts on the tougher restrictions that were being placed on crime comics in Canada.

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A town is terrorized by a vampire, and a husband and wife begin to suspect that the other has been turned. It is revealed that their young son is the vampire.
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