A Crisis of Innocence

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Fight Against Horror Comics.pdf
A look at the way that other parts of the world were also trying to ban horror comics.

Argues that the entire success of comics is based upon violence.

Comic Books and Other Horrors.pdf
Discusses the effects that horror comic books are having on not just children, but people of all ages.

Zorbaugh - What Adults Think of Comics as Reading for Children.pdf
Presents the results of a survey given to adults about what they thought of comic books.

Action Taken to Control Distribution of Objectionable Comic Books.pdf
Briefly outlines the steps that different cities and counties took to ban or limit the sale of objectionable comics.

Andersen - A Study of Leisure-Time Reading.pdf
Discusses a questionnaire given to nearly 700 junior high school students to determine how they liked to spend their leisure time. The results of the survey determined that comic books were the most popular reading choice overall, though fiction was…

Comic Books, A Teacher's Analysis - Burton.pdf
Burton considers how educators can encourage their students to read books other than comics by utilizing "transition books" that carry similar appeal as comics.

Cavanagh - The Comics War.pdf
Cavanagh proposes to investigate why children like comic books and whether or not they are legitimately harmful to them. He discusses aggression and phantasy, before moving on to psychodynamics.

Cohen - The Delinquents, Censorship and Youth Culture in Recent US History.pdf
A contemporary analysis of censorship and the fears of youth rebellion in the 1950s.

Frank - Some Questions and Answers for Teachers and Parents.pdf
Frank provides brief summaries of the various arguments for and against comic books.
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